Thursday, February 9, 2012

Logitech Harmony 900 Rechargeable Remote

I've used the Universal Remote Control MX-900 since my professional installer sold it to me three years ago. My equipment is in a closet upstairs so I need the RF functionality. The keys have been going bad for a year and it finally got too annoying for me. I purchased a new MX-900. I have the programming software and original program file from my installer. I insisted at the time. It turns out that newer remotes only work with a new CCP software package that is not available to owners of the remote. Go figure! To keep a long story short, I returned it and thought I'd give this one a try since the reviews are mostly great.

Bottom line is that the Logitech Harmony 900 is a winner!
The most difficult part of the programming process is finding the model number on each piece of your equipment. From there it is a breeze.

I have an older DirecTv DVR and the program needed to "learn" a couple keys from the original remote to confirm that it had the correct codes. Once that was done it only took a couple minutes to finish.
The remote walks you through setting up the RF blasters (repeaters) in your cabinet or closet and you are all done. It was surprisingly easy!

My only concern was that the instructions do not tell you when to insert the rechargeable battery into the remote. I correctly guessed that you install them before connecting the remote to your computer.
The programming automatically sets up macros called "Activities." For example, one activity is titled "Watch TV". I push that button on the LCD screen and the remote turns on my TV, DVR and receiver and sets up everything for me to watch DirecTv. It is way faster than the MX-900 and a lot less expensive!

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